The 1975 @ The Academy

05 October 2013

Some bands sometimes they sound a bit too perfect to be real, especially if they come out of nowhere, and when you go to their gigĀ  you feel like you have rotten vegetables on your backpack ready to be thrown to the stage, as part of your brain is already saying "don't worry, they are going to be another crap band", and when you discover you and your brain were wrong, you feel a bit confused. You start to look around the stage to see if someone is playing a cd, but it's not, and they are actually good. Well, the 1975, they sound really good in studio, and they sound even better on stage. I was actually surprised by their performance, and thankfully, I was really glad to find out they brought their lights, a lot of lights, for their show. They have a frame made by neon lights in the center of the stage, and an insane amounts of lights on the back of the stage, or at least insane for the venue, which from the past two years has been quite dark, and for me was a pure pleausure to shoot this band, especially if you consider that I was expecting a not that good show with not that good lights, but as I said, I was extremely wrong!

So, the 1975 are a great band to see live and to photograph. Anyway, I hope you like these pictures and as usual you can find the full set on my flickr page.

The 1975 @ The Academy

The 1975 @ The Academy

The 1975 @ The Academy

The 1975 @ The Academy

The 1975 @ The Academy

The 1975 @ The Academy

The 1975 @ The Academy

The 1975 @ The Academy

The 1975 @ The Academy