I can't say that october was a super productive month in terms of quantity of photos, as I started my new job about a month ago I did't have much time to dedicate to photography and now that I don't take anymore the Dart to go to work it kinda stopped the flow of new photos for my photography project "Commute", but it doesn't mean that I didn't shoot at all.
In fact I went out for a shooting with some friends at an insanely early hour, or at least for me, to catch the sunrise from Bull Island, one of the best spots in Dublin, and I came back home with a few but pretty damn good shots. I've also went for a weekend in Amsterdam, which I'm going to talk in details in another posts, and even if the lights weren't great, I took some decent photos as well.
Anyway, down here some of the best photos I took last month, and as usual feel free lo leave a comment on the box at the end of the page. Thanks!