Different pictures from the same places

25 June 2013

Well, as I said, my few days in Italy were quite unproductive, and as I said, many plans but did nothing. To be fair I've a lot of nice pictures of the my girlfriend's family and our pets, but I'm still working on them. But that isn't the topic for this post, but instead I wanted to show you some pictures I took in the past two weeks, but as I can't find new places to photograph, these pictures were taken in the same places I went at the begin of this month: Pigeon Road and Grand Canal Dock.
I'm not 100% convinced about these shots, but to be fair I'm rarely happy with my shots.
Anyway, do any of you would like to suggest me some new places to photograph? Any ideas? Please leave a comment below if you know some cool places around Dublin.

Different pictures from the same places

Different pictures from the same places

Different pictures from the same places

Different pictures from the same places

Different pictures from the same places

Different pictures from the same places

Different pictures from the same places